Strong in starch!


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Expert in starch varieties

Strong variety portfolio with several resistances

Zetmeel Aardappelen Semagri

Semagri "Strong in starch"

Semagri is your partner in varieties with excellent properties and a high yield in starch for industrial use

Semagri Holland Opbrengst 3

Starch varieties with high yield

The collaboration with independent breeders in the Netherlands and foreign breeding stations offers a wide range of new hybrid and potential potato varieties.

Semagri Gewassen

Responding to market demand with strong varieties

Semagri is strong in growing first-class starch varieties and promising hybrids that are being tested on various test fields in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.


Being able to offer high-quality seed potatoes in all areas where potatoes are grown for industrial processing, with the warranty that the seed potato chain is arranged in such a way that growers can continue to be provided with high-quality seed potatoes even under changing market and / or cultivation conditions.


The efficient cultivation of high-quality seed potatoes and marketing and supplying them to growers, so that they get a return from their potato cultivation in a responsible way.


Semagri is a strong brand with a wealth of experience in the production of high-quality basic material for potatoes and grain seed. The collaboration with independent breeders in the Netherlands and foreign breeding stations offers a wide range of new hybrid and potential potato varieties. Promising hybrids are being tested on various test fields in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

Trial and demo fields

During the growing season, Semagri regularly organizes guided tours of the trial and demo fields, so that you can get acquainted with existing and new future-proof varieties. These days are announced via our website, the trade press, e-mail or post.

If you want to get acquainted with one of our varieties, then there is always a trial and / or demo field in your area. Semagri organizes annual field days for interested people, demo fields can also be visited by appointment.

Take a look at our starch varieties!

About Semagri

The most important is our knowledge of the growth and cultivation in seed and seedlings. Starting as a little cooperative in a northern Dutch polder with seeds and seed potatoes we became one of the Dutch suppliers with our own varieties in seed potatoes on the worldwide market. 

Proefveld Nagele Semagri Holland 830X550 1 (1)